Bluehost Web Hosting Help
Knowledgebase Articles - 645 results 
Domain WHOIS Update and Verification
Per ICANN, your contact information is included on the domain's record in the WHOIS database required information includes your full name, postal address, email address, and voice telephone number
What Is Domain Privacy Protection? GDPR Domain Masking and Whois Privacy
WHOIS Domain Privacy for domains registered with Bluehost
TLS 1.0 PCI Compliance
This article will discuss how you might be affected by the removal of TLS 1.0 in the updated PCI Compliance Standards.
Shared Web Hosting Plans Cost Comparison
Bluehost offers a number of great shared web hosting products and plans that fit all different types of budgets. View our price comparison chart today!
Email Application Setup - Outlook 2011 for macOS
How to setup an email account using Microsoft Outlook 2011
Bluehost Name Servers NS - What Are Bluehost Nameservers?
How do I modify my nameservers?
htaccess Tutorial
What is the .htaccess file and where can I find more information?
How To Redirect Rewrite Using The htaccess File - www to non-www
How do I perform a URL redirect/rewrite using the .htaccess file?
FTP - Uploading the website
How do I upload my web site?
Email Application Setup
How to setup your Bluehost-hosted email address with an email application.
How to Reset Your Login Password
How do I change my Control Panel password?
How To Transfer Domain Name To Bluehost
Maintaining your domain registration and hosting services within the same account allows you to manage both services with only one login password, making it easier for you to stay on top of everything related to your website. This article explains the process to transfer your domain to [% provinfo.n
DNS Management - How To Add Edit Or Delete DNS Entries
How to Modify Your DNS Records
How To Setup Email On iOS Devices - Apple iPhone, iPad Email Setup
How to setup an Email Account on the iPhone, iPad or the iPod Touch
How To Change Your Primary Domain
How can I change the primary domain name on my account?
How To Setup Email Account - Client Setup SSL/TLS Settings - POP & IMAP
How to setup your Bluehost-hosted email address with an email application.
How To Setup Remote Database Connection - Configure MySQL client Access
How do I remotely connect using a database management software?
How To Cancel My Hosting Account
How can I cancel my hosting account?
How To Host Primary Domain From A Subfolder htaccess
How do I make a sub directory (or sub folder) act as the public_html for your main domain?
Redirects that do not work due to PHP variables
The redirection of or index.html to redirects it to In other words,
How To Install WordPress - WordPress Installation Guide
Learn how to use WordPress, WordPress started as just a blogging system, but has evolved to be used as full content management system and so much more through the thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes now available.
How To Login To Control Panel - cPanel & Billing Panel
This article will explain how to log in to your Account Control Panel
How To Setup FTP Using Filezilla
I would like to use FileZilla how do I go about the setting it up and connecting to my site?
How To Activate Free SSL Certificate - Free Wordpress SSL Setup
Bluehost now provides free free SSL certificates for all WordPress sites. This article describes how to activate the free SSL for a WordPress site.
How To Code a PHP Redirect - PHP Header Redirect
How do I redirect users to another page using PHP?
How To Assign A Domain Name - A Record, Name Servers, HTML Page
How do I setup an addon domain or parked domain in my hosting account?
How To Change Your PHP Version - PHP Config Guide
How to change your PHP version in your hosting account
How To Access cPanel - What You Need / Where To Find cPanel
How do I Access My Account Control Panel?
SSH Access
Is SSH/Shell access enabled by default?
How to Create and Delete MySQL Databases and Users
This article will explain MySQL database and user creation and deletion, and explain how to assign a user to a database.
Access Awstats without logging into cPanel
Allowing access to Awstats without requiring a cPanel login
How To Manage Databases With Command Line SSH
This article will instruct you how to export a database from the command line (SSH).
What Is an A Record? How To Edit an A Record
Definition of an A Record
What Are DNS Records? Domain Name System Examples - DNS Zone Editor
What are the commonly used DNS entries?
What Is A CNAME - How To Create & Edit CNAME
Definition of a CNAME
How To Migrate A WordPress Site - Website Migration
How to Migrate a self hosted copy of WordPress
How To Configure The PHP Environment With PHP ini
How do I change the PHP environment for my site with php.ini?
Import a MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin
How do I import a backup of my database (.sql file) using phpMyAdmin?
How Import Databases Using Command Line SSH
This article will instruct you how to import a database from the command line (SSH).
Modifying Name Servers (Registered through Bluehost)
How to modify name servers with bought domain through Bluehost.
Backup and Restore File or Folders with Site Backup Pro tool
How to backup individual files or folders with the Site Backup Pro tool
How To Use & Change Temporary URL with Wordpress
Using WordPress with the Temporary URL
What Is A 500 Internal Server Error? How To Fix 500 Internal Server Error
Website shows a server 500 error, what can I do to fix it?
DNS Management - How To Edit MX Records
I would like to change my MX Record so I can use a mail server with another provider.
How To Redirect A Website - How To Setup A 301 Or 302 Redirect
How do I create a redirect?
How to setup VAT (Value Added Tax)
How To Login To WordPress Site - WP Admin Access
This article will explain how to login to a website created with WordPress.
Domain Name FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Managing your Domain Names
How To Change Upload File Size Limit In PHP - Increase Upload Limits
How do I increase my file size limit in my PHP application?
How To Setup Outlook 2013 On Windows - Outlook 2013 Email Guide
How to setup an email account using Microsoft Outlook 2013
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